Wild flower honey is collected from bee colonies in the middle of the forest where there is no developed agricultural land nearby; therefore honey is ecologically clean from all agricultural chemicals, honey is ecologically clean. Honey contains 100-455 different substances necessary for the human body. The 15 enzymes in honey are of great importance - they speed up the chemical processes in the body millions of times. Honey is also rich in macro and micronutrients, many of which are in similar relationships to those found in human blood. Honey also contains organic acids, 20 amino acids and vitamins that keep well because honey is a natural preservative. Honey also contains enzymes, vitamins B2, B6, К, С, E, PP, carotene, aromatic substances. For adults, the daily dose could be 60-150 grams of honey. Small children are given honey by the teaspoon, no more than 30 grams per day, BUT honey is not given to babies under the age of two, because according to pediatricians, honey belongs to allergic food products. A child's body is much more sensitive to changes in an adult's diet and can cause an allergic reaction to new food. At 2 years old, your baby's digestive and immune systems are already more robust and can benefit from this medicinal treat


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