- Bee bread contains 16 both replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids, 13 fatty acids, enzymes and minerals, vitamins C (140-205 mg/100 grams of mass), E (170), A (50), P (60), D (0 .2-0.6), B1 (0.4-1.5), B2 (0.54-1.9) and B6 (0.5-0.9). Bee bread contains a relatively large amount of potassium, magnesium, iron, and iodine. - Cinnamon essential oils have an antibacterial effect on the body. Cinnamon is recognized as the best antibacterial substance known to man. Consumption of cinnamon has been proven to reduce the amount of harmful bacteria and inhibit their reproduction, as well as being an effective tool in the fight against fungal infections. It is an excellent remedy for the destruction and prevention of any parasites, oral health, treatment of skin problems and acne, etc. - Honey contains 100-455 different substances necessary for the human body. The 15 enzymes in honey are of great importance - they speed up the chemical processes in the body millions of times. Honey is also rich in macro and micronutrients, many of which are in similar relationships to those found in human blood. Honey also contains organic acids, 20 amino acids and vitamins that keep well because honey is a natural preservative. Honey also contains enzymes, B2, B6, К, С, E, PP vitamins, carotene, aromatic substances.